WhisperKOOL Ductless Spli...


WhisperKOOL Ductless Split – Twin Platinum Split

SKU : S-WKPS9000-000-WMCW


24V Thermostat Conversion Kit:

Product Options and Upgrades


WhisperKOOL Exterior Condenser Housing for Split Systems (Large)


Described in the simplest terms, a split system is a cooling unit wherein the evaporator unit and condensing unit have been “split” into two separate units instead of being contained within the same housing. The evaporator unit is located in or near your cellar, and the condensing unit is generally located outside, or in an attic or utility room. The Platinum Series of split systems allow you to decide where the evaporator unit and the condensing unit will be located. The condensing unit can be located up to 100 ft. away from the evaporator unit. The evaporator unit will be mounted in the cellar or it can also be located nearby with ducting. If you don’t mind seeing the grille of your cooling unit in your cellar, a wall-mounted split system is what you need. If you prefer your unit to be out of sight, you should get a fully ducted split system. The choice is yours. Note: A qualified HVAC-R technician is required for installation. Failure to have the system installed by a qualified technician will void the warranty. *PLEASE NOTE: WhisperKOOL does not provide smart thermostat. By selecting the 24V Thermostat Conversion Kit, you have acknowledged that the system will not be built with the standard WhisperKOOL control or liquid measuring bottle probe. You will have to source and purchase your own 24V smart thermostat to run the equipment. The WhisperKOOL Customer Satisfaction Team does not provide technical support for smart thermostats.


  • Quiet and efficient operation

  • Advanced electronic display

  • Liquid bottle probe

  • Alarm capabilities

  • Flexible installation

  • 55°F temperature differential

  • Condensing unit can be placed outdoors w/optional housing

  • Includes cold weather start kit

  • Pump down system for longer compressor life*

BTU/h Rating


The BTU/h value shown here is a theoretical number. There are often circumstances under which a cellar design may require a larger unit due to variables not accounted for in the formula. For example, these variables could be building materials (such as glass, stone, concrete, etc.) which do not offer the insulation capacity required to maintain the optimal cellar environment. We recommend purchasing a unit with a larger capacity to compensate for these unaccounted-for variables. An undersized unit can lead to premature failure and will most likely prevent the cellar from reaching your desired temperature.


Cellar Size:Approx. 3000 cu. ft. when cellar is fully insulated and sealed with a proper vapor barrier (each wine cellar is unique and has specific cooling requirements; heat load calculations should always be performed prior to selecting a cooling unit)
BTU/h w/85°F air entering condenser coil:8500
Dimensions:Evaporator: 16.1"L x 20.5”W x 15.5”H (x2), condenser: 24”L x 18.98"W x 16.16"H
Refrigeration Tons:0..61
Voltage Rating:Evaporator: 115V (15-amp dedicated circuit required), condenser: 230V (15-amp dedicated circuit required)
Weight:Evaporator: 57 lbs (per unit), condenser: 75 lbs
Amps:Evaporator: 1 running amps (per unit), Compressor: LRA 50 , RLA 9.3
Line Set:Liquid Line 3/8", Suction Line (Less than 50ft. 3/4”) (Greater than 50ft. 7/8”)
Drain Line:1/2" ID clear plastic tubing (not provided)
Installation:Evaporator units are installed in the cellar. Condensing unit can be installed up to 100 line feet from evaporator unit.
Thermostat:Advanced digital display (50-ft. cable), liquid-temperature-measuring bottle probe (50-ft. cable)
Temp. Delta:Can maintain a 55°F cellar temperature with up to 110°F condenser air intake temperature

Click here for the Product Spec Sheet: Click here.

Manuals / Warranty Information

Click here for the Ductless Platinum Split Twin Owner’s Manual: Click here
Click here for the Ductless Platinum Split Twin with 24 Volt Option Owner’s Manual: Click here
Click here for the Warranty Information: Click here

PLEASE NOTE: In order to activate the warranty for split system units (Platinum Split Series, Ceiling Mount Series, and Quantum Series), a Product Warranty Checklist must be submitted and approved by WhisperKOOL. This checklist can be printed out, completed, and emailed to warranty@whisperkool.com.

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