The Mission Series wine cabinets highlight the sophisticated beauty of the cherry wood grains. Bay-area furniture designer Berkeley Mills captured the warm elegance of Arts and Crafts furnishings with crown moldings, windows framed by mu
llions, and hand-carved detailing.
Mission 1400 shown in Provincial Cherry Wood Finish
Must select all options below to add to cart and to display image of unit with color preference. Refer to cooling unit tab for additional information on CellarPro units.
Le Cache Mission Series wine cabinets combine straight lines and beautiful wood grains to achieve the timeless beauty of fine arts & crafts furniture. The Mission 1400 is a popular size, and features windows with engineered wood mullions, crown molding and hand-carved detailing. Engineered to create optimal storage conditions for protecting and preserving fine wine collections, the Mission 1400 provides digital temperature and adjustable humidity control while offering advanced protection from harmful UV rays and vibration inside the wine cabinet. Every wine cabinet from Le Cache features all-wood Interlock racking that will accommodate large-format bottles, such as Burgundy, Pinot Noir and many Champagne bottles. Premium wood veneer and choice of hand-stained finishes is included.
All Mission Series cabinets come with CellarPro 1800 cooling units. These advanced refrigeration systems maintain ideal temperature and humidity conditions inside the cabinet for the long-term storage and aging of fine wine. Also included for the price, all-wood universal racking securely holds both standard and oversized wine bottles. Mission 1400 Wine Cabinets are double deep bottle storage and backed by a 5-year warranty.
* Photos are indicative only and not contractual. * Information provided is correct at the time of publications but may vary with the manufacturer’s product development and various laws and regulations implemented in different countries.
Premium Cherry wood veneer
Hardwood doors and ebony accents
Crown molding and hand-carved wood trim
Pewter pulls and security locks
Double-pane tinted glass
Engineered wood mullions
Foil-backed polyisocyanurate insulation
CellarPro energy-efficient cooling unit (made in USA)
Electronic Thermostat and Digital Display
Adjustable Humidity Control
Energy-Saver and Quick-Chill Modes
Audible and Visual Alarms
SB/0™ Technology – Flush against the Wall
Top-vent exhaust
High Performance Air Filtration System
All-wood Interlock racks
Universal racking fits oversized bottles
Low-heat interior LED light
Optional bottle probe
Cooling Units
All wine cabinets from Le Cache come with a choice of 3 CellarPro cooling units included in the price of the wine cabinet. The 3 CellarPro cooling units are sized exactly alike, and therefore they are interchangeable. However, the 3 cooling units differ in terms of their BTUH cooling output and the level of noise that they produce. Each of the 3 cooling units is discussed below.
For more information about sizing the best cooling unit for your cabinet, contact a specialist at Wine Appreciation.
The 1800QTL is our quietest cooling unit, and is designed exclusively for residential use in a temperature-controlled environment. The 1800QTL is appropriate for all credenzas, Model 1400 and Model 2400 wine cabinets. It also can be used in larger Model 3100, Model 3800 and Model 5200 wine cabinets, provided that the desired cellar temperature is closer to 60F than 55F.
This unit should not be used in ducted applications, or paired with our front duct hood.
Key Stats: 1065 BTUH at 55F, 41 dbA installed in a cabinet.
The 1800QT cooling unit is approximately 30% more powerful and 4 decibels louder than the 1800QTL cooling unit. It is designed for residential use in a temperature-controlled environment. The 1800QT easily can maintain 55F in our largest wine cabinets.
This unit can be used with our front duct hood.
Key Stats: 1380 BTUH at 55F, 45 dbA installed in a cabinet.
The 1800XT is approximately 5% more powerful and 3 decibels louder than the 1800QT cooling unit, because it uses more powerful fans. As a result, the 1800XT is ideally suited for garage environments (with temperatures ranging from 40F to 95F), commercial environments (where the cellar is frequently accessed) and installations with our front-duct hood..
Key Stats: 1456 BTUH at 55F, 48 dbA installed in a cabinet.
Placement Requirements
The cooling unit plugs into a standard wall outlet, and the outlet should be on a dedicated circuit. The components of the cooling unit draw 3 amps, and the electric outlet on the side of the cooling unit also is rated for 3 amps. The cord extends 6 1/2 feet from the back of the cabinet. If an extension cord is used, it should be 14-gauge wire or thicker, grounded, and as short as possible. We recommend using a surge protector rated at 15 amps or more. Under no circumstances should the wine cabinet share a circuit with another motor or compressor-based appliance, like a wine cooler, fridge or air conditioner.
Because of the significant weight of your wine cabinet, it is important that it be placed on a hard surface, otherwise the cabinet may become skewed if the doors settle unevenly over time. If you will be placing your cabinet on thick carpeting, consider placing a carpet board underneath the wine cabinet. You can purchase a carpet board from Le Cache, or you can have your local hardware store cut a 3/4 inch plywood board to the following dimensions: 63w x 25d
The doors of our wine cabinets swing “wide” by approximately 1 inch when open at 90 degrees. The additional width should be accounted for when purchasing cabinets that do not have moldings, because the stated widths of our wine cabinets do not account for the door swing. Please note that the additional width is required in front of the cabinet.
After loading your wine cabinet with wine bottles, it will be extremely heavy. When selecting a location for your cabinet, make sure that the floor underneath is strong enough to support the weight of the cabinet.
CellarPro cooling units are designed to handle temperatures ranging from 50 to 95F.
The cooling unit generates hot air that must be exhausted in such a way that it won’t be recirculated by the cooling unit. If the hot air cannot be dissipated or channeled properly, and the cooling unit is forced to recycle its own hot air, the cooling unit will be unable to maintain cold temperatures inside the wine cabinet and/or it will run all the time. Proper ventilation can be achieved in one of three ways:
Our upright wine cabinets have been engineered top-vent cooling units and SB/0 Technology so that they can be placed right up against the wall. In this configuration, the hot air generated by the cooling unit is ventilated through the top of the wine cabinet, and the return air comes from above the wine cabinet, so there must be sufficient clearance above the cabinets for the hot air to dissipate, as follows:
Contemporary wine cabinets, Carolina wine cabinets, Loft wine cabinets and Vault wine cabinets require 18 inches of clearance above the wine cabinet.
European Country wine cabinets and Mission wine cabinets require 12 inches of clearance above the wine cabinet.
The sides always need to be open – in other words, placement in an enclosed space, alcove or closet will not work without our front-vent hood (see Configuration 3 below).
2. UPRIGHT CABINETS WITH Rear-Vent Configurations
Our upright wine cabinets can be configured so that the return air comes from behind the wine cabinet. This configuration is useful in situations where sufficient clearance above the wine cabinet doesn’t exist. In this configuration:
If the rear of the wine cabinet is not accessible, a minimum clearance of 7 1/2 inches above the wine cabinet is required for removal and replacement of the cooling unit air filter.
If the rear of the wine cabinet is accessible, a minimum clearance of 3 inches above the wine cabinet is required for proper airflow, and we recommend using our air deflector to direct the hot air exhaust to the left of the wine cabinet.
In all cases, the wine cabinet must be placed 3-4″ away from the rear wall.
The sides always need to be open – in other words, placement in an enclosed space, alcove or closet will not work without our front-vent hood (see Configuration 3 below)
3. UPRIGHT CABINETS with Front-Vent Hoods
If you want to place the wine cabinet flush against the wall but you don’t have the required clearance (as outlined in Configuration 1 above), or you want to place the wine cabinet in an enclosed space, closet or alcove, our front-vent hood (placed on top of the wine cabinet) can be used with 7 1/2 inches of clearance above the wine cabinet for removal of the hood and the air filter. Please note:
Contemporary wine cabinets, Loft wine cabinets and Vault wine cabinets can use our front vent hood with OR without the decorative grill.
European Country wine cabinets, Mission wine cabinets and Carolina wine cabinets can use our front vent hood without the decorative grill (the decorative grill will not fit with crown moldings).
Credenza wine cabinets don’t require any clearance above the wine cabinet; however, all credenzas require 3-4″ of space behind the wine cabinet because all the ventilation (intake and exhaust) occurs behind the cabinet
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