Breezaire WKL 6000 Throug...


Breezaire WKL 6000 Through the Wall Wine Cellar Cooling Unit

$3,556.00 - $3,876.00
SKU : WKL6000

The BREEZAIRE WKL Series cooling units are designed to, when installed in a properly constructed enclosure, provide a constant, selectable temperature between approximately 48°F and 63°F while reducing the excess relative humidity to the proper 50% to 75%. The WKL Series is not intended to cool service cabinets, which are maintained at lower temperatures and opened or entered frequently.  FREE SHIPPING!


Hot Air Exhaust (MUST SELECT):

Power Cord:

Product Options and Upgrades


Breezaire Bottle Probe



Cabinet/Enclosure Size:Approx. 1500 cu. ft. *not rated
Dimensions:16.25”W x 22”H x 22.25”D
Voltage Rating:115 V/60 Hz - 3A (Available in 220v - 50hz)
Amps:9.5 (running amps)
Temp. Delta:Can maintain a 55°F cellar temperature
Humidity Control:Automatic
Defrost SystemAutomatic
Exhaust Direction:Rear
Digital Temperature Display:LED Readout

Instructions / Warranty Information

Click here for Installation Instructions: Click here


Warranty Information:  Click here
1-year  labor / 5-year parts

For Controller Owners Manual:  Click here

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